Why You Should Have an Unplugged Wedding Ceremony

Why You Should Have an Unplugged Wedding Ceremony

Having an unplugged wedding ceremony has become an increasingly popular concept for couples to incorporate into their wedding day. While some couples ask for their guests to refrain from using their mobile devices for the entirety of the wedding, this can be difficult to achieve. This is why having an unplugged ceremony is ideal. Here are the pros of having an unplugged wedding ceremony.

Unplugged Wedding Ceremony Pros

There are many pros to having an unplugged ceremony on your wedding day.  It’s true that your guests may be a little surprised by the request but we’re sure it’s worth it Here’s why you should consider a cellphone free wedding ceremony.

Your Guests Will Be More Present

The wedding ceremony is the most intimate and personal part of your wedding day and let’s face it – cellphones are a big distraction. Encouraging your guests to take a break from technology will give everyone a chance to connect, experience this intimate time and simply be present in the moment. Plus it eliminates the temptation for guests to check social media, browse the internet or do anything except enjoy your ceremony.

The Moment Will Seem More Private

Between Facebook Instagram Snapchat and Twitter, it’s hard to feel like any moment is private anymore. By asking your guests to put away and silence their phones during the ceremony will enable you and your guests to enjoy a private moment without inviting all of your social media followers to join in. After all, the people you wanted to share in your wedding with are likely already present! 

reasons for an unplugged wedding ceremony

Your Professional Photos Will Be Better 

One of the best reasons to have an unplugged ceremony is to ensure the quality of your  professional photos. Of course, your photographer will capture stunning photos no matter what challenges they encounter, but why not make it easier on them? Don’t risk have any photos ruined by a cell phone getting in the frame, or from a relative standing or getting in the way of your photographer when they’re trying to capture a special shot.  Instead, let the only photographer during your ceremony be the one you hired. 

How to Tell Yor Guests About Your Unplugged Wedding Ceremony

There are a couple of ways you can tell your guests about your plans for having an unplugged wedding ceremony. While you can do just one of these, we suggest using as many ways as possible to ensure your plan is a success. The easiest way to let your guests know of your intentions is to place a sign near the entrance of your ceremony asking them not to use their cell phones during this time. You can also include a note inside your wedding programs. Another good idea is to let your guests know before your wedding day by posting about your desires on your wedding website or include a note in your wedding invitations.

Plugged-In Wedding Reception Pros

Having an unplugged wedding ceremony, but a plugged-in wedding reception creates a perfect balance for your wedding day. Here’s why you should consider having a plugged-in reception. 

Guests Get to Capture Their Own Special Moments

A wedding is a celebration of you and your new spouse, but it’s also a special day for your parents, siblings, family members and friends. Having a plugged-in wedding reception allows your guests to capture their own memories or special moments that occur away from you and your spouse. Additionally, the reality is most guests won’t be willing to part with their phone for the entirety of the reception, so you might as well embrace it and encourage people to post photos, tag you in them, and use your hashtag!

You’ll Have More Photos

Allowing your friends to use their phones during the reception will allow leave you with a lot more photos after your wedding is over. In some ways having a plugged-in wedding reception is like having a whole bunch of candid photographers present at your wedding. 

Your Guests Can Be Where Your Photographer Isn’t

Your photographer will primarily be with you and your spouse for the duration of your wedding, which means they won’t be able to capture that photo of your girlfriends from college on the dance floor or the guys toasting you at the bar. A wedding has so many special moments occurring simultaneously that allowing your guests to take photos will ensure you’ll get to see moments you might have missed if they were documented by friends or family. Plus an added bonus if you’ll get to see some pictures that same night on social media!

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